Every water modifier is great, especially zhiming, who i pulled the signature for too. And gengchen, who i pulled cos she seemed cool, then got her to SS pulling for zhiming. This...this is excellent news! I also just have an unawakened yggdrasil lying round cos what yggdrasil mods i do have I don't think it's worth it to awaken it to them. So...hooray!
@@azerty1s Yeah. Because I was torn between on getting S Heimdall or not (Since I don't have Zhi Ming), but I was attracted to her 50% Def Reduction to the enemy which is really powerful. But, I don't want to heavily invest on her since 4.0 is right around the corner and I want to know if the next 2 or 3 characters are worth the more investment they are than of S Heimdall. But seeing someone on Bilibili managed to clear Alpha Water IT8 with Oceanus-Enlil-Marduk is good enough for me to skip and just wait and hope I can get Heimdall off-banner in future banner pulls :>
couple of questions: does oceanus now having ult damage buff from his ultimate, now mean he can use the Peacekeeper's Blessing (F Tyr sigil)? if so, is this an improvement over the existing sigil setup, or is it not used? and is oceanus a good character now? I've had him at SSS for a long time now, really hoped the AKS buff will make him extremely strong (like S Shu) with the crazy synergies Marduk AKS buff keeps getting every time a new male character AKS comes out, I'll be needing him for three teams now... (FTyr, Anubis and Oceanus)
I did a short test live today so you can check it if you are curious: ruclips.net/user/liveDBtNW7n2B70?si=m8svQM-h9EujpkX7 Check for pinned comment for some example runs, you can skip the first 1hour because that was my first time playing Oceanus so I had skill issues :) (I still have it but anyway) If you have him SSS then he can be decent, mine is SS with normal investment but he was not bad at all. Oceanus technically can use Peacekeeper, which is good for his Ult recharge (Oceanus really need to use his Ult in order to give Ult DMG buff to the team, then get Marduk's buff) and buffs, for example it might be useful if you play Oceanus with S Heimdall. I haven't done comparison with the Zhiming set yet, maybe I'll do more tests when IT α Water comes back.
@Ronin47Zai47 True. I used to play it and I kinda agree. However, I only care about the male chars mostly... which feels too rare and the waiting too long in terms of how often they release one
Is zhiming still the strongest water unit or the dev gonna play their 4D chess move by releasing a new dps water unit after this? I only have 2 water units rn, gengchen and oceanus and i never use nor upgrade him since getting him 😂 And I'm kinda reluctant to pull zhiming when her banner comes next because of limited resources.
This should become clear once the next beta drops, or more precisely, if Wadjet is next and she is Water. Come to think of it, Zhiming is a V2.9 Mods and we are now in V3.9 so maybe it's time...😏
@azerty1s so another one coming, eh. Well that's gacha for you~ Anyway, what do you think of the new mods lineup so far (from S kali to S heimdall). Are there any suggestions which mods we truly prioritize getting on? I am torn between getting brahma, zenkibo and now heimdall. Brahma is the new wind dps while zenki is another top lightning dps, yet heimdall as a support is as much as important too 😵💫
It depends on your account but I would say Brahma>>>>>Parvati>>Heimdall>Zenkibo, Brahma is such a big upgrade for the Wind element, whereas Zenkibo is still excellent but you already have many other viable alternatives for Thunder team.
@@azerty1s yeah, such priority seems reasonable, but still.. im just curious how a team like this: 'Brahma&Parvati(no sigs)+Lingg(t5+2 sig)' is capable of clearing IT alpha stages?
So Zenkibo was Destiny, now Heimdall has become Freedom
16:32 Welt Yang & Otto skill chain is real, LOL 😂😂😂
Wait wait wait, Oceanus got his synergy buff😳😳🤯
Love your vids, i learn a lot from it, keep it up, thanks!
Every water modifier is great, especially zhiming, who i pulled the signature for too. And gengchen, who i pulled cos she seemed cool, then got her to SS pulling for zhiming. This...this is excellent news! I also just have an unawakened yggdrasil lying round cos what yggdrasil mods i do have I don't think it's worth it to awaken it to them. So...hooray!
thats one less Lingguang nids to pamper
I have hope next tian yuan mod will buff zhiming again and they have a better skillchain
I need her for my Tortie, but I want to save for Baize and GE chars too....ughhhhh😣
The no glasses nerf... how could they do this to her?
Hi Azerty1s, i really need a tutorial about Zhiming, tysm!
16:12 Wait... So Oceanus can apply/proc Marduk AKS buff (B3) with his own ult? No Enlil chainult needed? Just clarifying
He can activate it with both solo ultimate and chain ultimate, so you don't necessarily need Enlil. He needs Enlil to get the +40% Water DMG
@@azerty1s Yeah. Because I was torn between on getting S Heimdall or not (Since I don't have Zhi Ming), but I was attracted to her 50% Def Reduction to the enemy which is really powerful. But, I don't want to heavily invest on her since 4.0 is right around the corner and I want to know if the next 2 or 3 characters are worth the more investment they are than of S Heimdall.
But seeing someone on Bilibili managed to clear Alpha Water IT8 with Oceanus-Enlil-Marduk is good enough for me to skip and just wait and hope I can get Heimdall off-banner in future banner pulls :>
couple of questions:
does oceanus now having ult damage buff from his ultimate, now mean he can use the Peacekeeper's Blessing (F Tyr sigil)? if so, is this an improvement over the existing sigil setup, or is it not used?
and is oceanus a good character now? I've had him at SSS for a long time now, really hoped the AKS buff will make him extremely strong (like S Shu)
with the crazy synergies Marduk AKS buff keeps getting every time a new male character AKS comes out, I'll be needing him for three teams now... (FTyr, Anubis and Oceanus)
I did a short test live today so you can check it if you are curious: ruclips.net/user/liveDBtNW7n2B70?si=m8svQM-h9EujpkX7
Check for pinned comment for some example runs, you can skip the first 1hour because that was my first time playing Oceanus so I had skill issues :) (I still have it but anyway)
If you have him SSS then he can be decent, mine is SS with normal investment but he was not bad at all.
Oceanus technically can use Peacekeeper, which is good for his Ult recharge (Oceanus really need to use his Ult in order to give Ult DMG buff to the team, then get Marduk's buff) and buffs, for example it might be useful if you play Oceanus with S Heimdall.
I haven't done comparison with the Zhiming set yet, maybe I'll do more tests when IT α Water comes back.
If you upgrade access key of heimdall, will she reduce more def?
Same like Gengchen, Access key level 7 will reduce total 12% def
No, its fixed to 4% per stack no matter the level
Can you clear iteration 8 with that best in slot team but with zhiming at ss rather than sss?
Do you have any information? Will there be mouse control for PC Client?
no but it should come soon
Good evening Azerty-Kun I have a question, can Heimdall's untime only increase defense?
it gives Water DMG buff to allies
@azerty1s So if combined with Leviathan S rank is ok?
What's the track on the moveset showcase section?
Transcend the Abyss, I have it on my channel
@@azerty1s Awesome, thank you!
I need S zobek
in Pgr theres higher potential that every A chars will get their S version & some Boss will become playable char
@Ronin47Zai47 True. I used to play it and I kinda agree. However, I only care about the male chars mostly... which feels too rare and the waiting too long in terms of how often they release one
Is zhiming still the strongest water unit or the dev gonna play their 4D chess move by releasing a new dps water unit after this?
I only have 2 water units rn, gengchen and oceanus and i never use nor upgrade him since getting him 😂
And I'm kinda reluctant to pull zhiming when her banner comes next because of limited resources.
This should become clear once the next beta drops, or more precisely, if Wadjet is next and she is Water.
Come to think of it, Zhiming is a V2.9 Mods and we are now in V3.9 so maybe it's time...😏
@azerty1s so another one coming, eh. Well that's gacha for you~
Anyway, what do you think of the new mods lineup so far (from S kali to S heimdall). Are there any suggestions which mods we truly prioritize getting on? I am torn between getting brahma, zenkibo and now heimdall. Brahma is the new wind dps while zenki is another top lightning dps, yet heimdall as a support is as much as important too 😵💫
It depends on your account but I would say Brahma>>>>>Parvati>>Heimdall>Zenkibo, Brahma is such a big upgrade for the Wind element, whereas Zenkibo is still excellent but you already have many other viable alternatives for Thunder team.
Ah i see then. Thank you for the insights!
@@azerty1s yeah, such priority seems reasonable, but still.. im just curious how a team like this: 'Brahma&Parvati(no sigs)+Lingg(t5+2 sig)' is capable of clearing IT alpha stages?